results from drugstore teeth whitening products

Do Drugstore Teeth Whitening Products Work?

The most effective and best teeth whitening treatment you can receive is a professional teeth whitening session at the dentist. The dentist has access to specialized whitening products and knows how to whiten teeth quickly and effectively.

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teeth cleanings at the dentist

Why Teeth Cleanings Are Important

Over time, plaque (a thick, bacteria-filled film) and tartar (a hard calcium-based build-up) can build up on your teeth & eventually lead to tooth decay. While regular brushing & flossing at home can help prevent this buildup, it can't necessarily remove it. That's why going to your dentist for a professional cleaning is so important.

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use insurance benefits to save money on dental care

Be Sure to Use Your Dental Benefits Every Year

If you have dental insurance, your insurance company provides you with a certain dental benefits each year. In case you're not very familiar with insurance vocabulary, you can think of an insurance benefit as a dental service that the insurance company pays all or most of the cost of. Most dental plans cover the most common preventive services at 100%, meaning the insurance company pays 100% of the cost & you pay nothing.

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woman color matching for tooth bonding

The Fast Magic of Dental Bonding

If you need a chipped tooth repaired or want a fast and relatively affordable way to change the shape of your smile, dental bonding is the solution.

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woman with bruxism grinding her teeth

The Facts & Mysteries of Bruxism

Bruxism is what dentists call teeth clenching and teeth grinding. The symptoms of bruxism are fairly easy to spot, as are the complications that can result from it.

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barbers used to act as dentists

A Fun Timeline of Early Dental History

From magic spells to seeing the barber for a toothache, caring for teeth has a long and storied history. Here are some of the most significant moments in the history of early dentistry, right up until when the word "dentist" was first coined.

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trivia about novocain dental anesthetic

Dentists Don’t Use Novocain Anymore!

Dentists no longer use Novocain when treating patients. No, this doesn't mean we've somehow managed to make dentistry completely painless (we wish!).

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woman with tooth sensitivity

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Many millions of people suffer from tooth sensitivity at some point in their life, usually in the form of tooth pain in reaction to heat or cold. Tooth sensitivity has many causes, some more easily fixed than others. However, it's important to know that tooth sensitivity is sometimes a sign of a more serious dental problem of condition.

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