Are you embarrassed with your smile? If you are, you should know that you’re not alone. Thousands or perhaps hundreds of thousands of Americans are embarrassed because of the gaps or misalignments present in your teeth.

If you’ve ever even thought about adult braces, you should learn more about Invisalign. Even if you’re feeling anxious or reluctant to get a mouth full of metal braces, Invisalign could be a solution for you.

In today’s blog post from Sanders Family Dental in Mansfield, TX, we want to give you the rundown on the revolutionary technology offered by the Invisalign orthodontics system. From the benefits of this great technology, all the way to how the procedure works, we want to share the exciting news about Invisalign.

Who Can Invisalign Work For

Invisalign can work for people of all ages if they are embarrassed by their smile. This can make you feel a tremendous amount of social anxiety, making your cover your mouth when eat or speak. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Invisalign can work to treat many different dental problems. From crooked teeth to crowded teeth, Invisalign can solve many of the same problems as traditional metal braces. Invisalign works to correct the alignment and placement of your teeth.

The Revolutionary Invisalign Process

Invisalign is multistep process. We begin by taking impressions of your mouth, which we then convert into a digital 3D model. We can then provide models so you can know exactly what your smile will look like after you finish using Invisalign, before you even begin using Invisalign. This means there’s no surprises, we can show you exactly how your teeth will be straightened.

Invisalign uses a series of transparent aligners to correct the spacing of your teeth. You wear each set of aligners for a few weeks at a time, then graduate onto the next set of aligners. You can see best results in about a year to a year and a half.

The Advantages of Invisalign

Probably the biggest advantage of Invisalign is its improved appearance when compared to traditional metal braces. Traditional metal braces are almost always visible in your mouth.Traditional metal braces sour your appearance, and can make you look immature. This can be absolutely devastating in a workplace environment. But Invisalign is different. Invisalign is made up of transparent aligners.

Invisalign is hardly noticeable whenever it’s in your mouth. This helps you maintain your privacy, and your appearance. Best of all, if you need to give a presentation or speak in public, you can easily remove the aligners prior to doing so.

Invisalign is also easier to eat in than traditional metal braces. Traditional braces come with a whole host of dietary restrictions. Chew the wrong food, and suddenly you’re in a pan and need to see your orthodontist. Food often gets stuck in the brackets and wires of traditional braces, making every meal a battle field.

But with Invisalign, you simply take out the aligners before every meal. This means you can maintain your traditional diet, and eat whatever you’d like. With Invisalign, you’re free from restrictions.

It’s also easier to maintain good dental hygiene with Invisalign. It can be hard to brush and floss your teeth when you’re wearing traditional metal braces. This can lead to tooth decay and stains when your braces are removed. With Invisalign, you simply remove the aligner before brushing and flossing like normal.

Make An Appointment

Are you ready to harness the incredible power of Invisalign? We hope so. At Sanders Family Dental in Mansfield, TX, we have years of experience in treating patients with the Invisalign system.

We encourage you to contact our office with any questions you may have. We’ll be happy to guide you through the whole process. Give us a call today at 917-779-7111. Don’t delay! Have a new smile today!

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